Showing posts with label To Boston with Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label To Boston with Love. Show all posts

Thursday, May 9, 2013

To Boston with Love

Since 9/11 I’ve hardly watched TV. I’m a very visual person and those images took a long time to erase. When the awful events in Boston during the Marathon unfolded I made a special effort to avoid seeing any graphic images. I read the newspaper online and switched off all the pop up videos that insist on playing whenever one of these tragedies occur.

I don’t think I’m blocking the events out completely, just don’t think those images add any more details that I can’t already envisage. It’s the same with any horror or violent story, real or imagined.

When I saw on Instagram and Flickr that the Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild were collecting Flags for Boston I thought this was a way I could concentrate on something of beauty instead of all the misery being published everywhere. Then Berene (aka Happy Sew Lucky) asked if the Greater Western Sydney Modern Quilt Guild would like to be involved. We’ve now got a small satchel of flags to send to Boston with Love – from Australia. Quite a few Aussies are sending flags as well as individuals and guilds right across the world.

Whilst I realise that the flags will do little to help the victims directly, I hope they bring a ray of sunshine when they are exhibited at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston later this month. And hopefully at any commemoration ceremony in the future.

Thanks Berene and Amy for coordinating and driving this wonderful project.

There is also a collection of quilt blocks to make Quilts for Boston by the BMQG for those affected by the events in Boston. I’ll send a block off for that next week.

peace love hope